神吸 • 特爽 [產品成份] 桉葉油, 椒樣薄荷油等天然植物油。 [產品功能] 保持清醒、緩解疲勞、清新空氣、抗菌消炎。 Zen's Refresh [Composition] Peppermint oil, ecucalyptus oil, and natural plant oils. [Function] Keep refreshed, relieve fatigue, fresh air, fight bacterium diminish inflammation.

芳香療法 芳香療法就是利用純天然植物精油的芳香氣味和植物本身的具有治癒能力,通過香薰、沐浴、按摩等方法經由嗅覺器官和皮膚吸收,促進神經系統和血液迴圈,從而起到保健養生、美容美體、調和情緒和改善身體健康之功效,使人的身體、心靈達到和諧統一。 Aromatherapy Aromatherapy is a traditional medical therapy utilizing the botanic volatile oil (essential oil) to fume, massage and bathe human bodies, which is very helpful for health care, face and body beauty maintain and spirit nurture.

神吸 • 悠靜 [產品成份] 薰衣草油, 玫瑰油等天然植物油。 [產品功能] 調節焦慮情緒、輕輕鬆鬆入眠。 Zen's Calm [Composition] Lavender oil, Rose oil and natural plant oils. [Function] Relax mind, promote sleep, reduces anxiety.

神吸 • 暈車 [產品成份] 橙花油、檸檬油、迷迭香油、尤加利精油等天然植物油。 [產品功能] 緩解乘車、乘船、乘機等引起的惡心、嘔吐和不適。 Zen's Carsick [Composition] Orange blossom oil, Lemon oil, Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus oil and natural plant oils. [Function] Use it for carsickness, ship sickness, e.g. dizziness, vomit, nausea and stomach discomfort.

神吸 • 康健 [產品成份] 迷迭香油、尤加利精油等天然植物油。 [產品功能] 芳香開竅、呼吸通暢、緩解鼻塞、鼻炎、打鼻鼾等鼻腔不適。 Zen's Healthy [Composition] Rosemary oil, Eucalyptus oil and natural plant oils. [Function] keep clear nostrils, cure nostril diseases. Use it for nostril allergy, nostril infection and sniffing.

神吸 • 酌昕 [產品成份] 迷迭香油、八角茴香油、尤加利精油等天然植物油。 [產品功能] 保肝護胃、改善酒後頭痛、頭暈、嘔吐等不適。 Zen's Recovery [Composition] Rosemary oil, Anise oil, Eucalyptus oil and natural plant oils. [Function] Lessen drinking discomfort, freshen up. Use it for drinking, alcohol overdose and drinking discomfort.

*採用無污染、無公害的純天然植物精油; *遵照芳香療法和傳統中醫理論基礎上研 發的功能性日用消費品; 質量保証 生產按照製藥級別環境生產, 併進行嚴格的控制流程; 通過歐盟CE認証和ISO9000, ISO14000和 OHSAS1800的認証; Non-pollution, the pure natural plant essential oil; Is the daily consumer goods which comply with the Aromatherapy and traditional Chinese medicine’s research and development. *Quality Assurance System Production in accordance with the pharmaceutical factory environment. Passed the Euro CE certification ISO9000, ISO14000 & OHSA18000 authentication.

使用時間:可累計使用,長達8小時; 使用有效期:包裝開封後,24小時內使用效果顯著; 規格:3粒/板;5板/盒; 注意事項:幼童、孕婦等禁用,本產品有緩解症狀作用,無治療效果 Use time:the cumulative use up to 8 hours; Use Validity:After unpacking;the most significant effect within 24 hours; Qty:3PCS/Pack;5Packs/Box; Note: children , pregnant women, disabled , etc. , this product has a role in relieving symptoms , no treatment effect.