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Product List | 產品簡介

A Gift of Luxury | 尊貴的禮物

A Gift of Luxury | 尊貴的禮物

Our gift package includes 30g of pure Swiss caviar encased in awarded ice cube to ensure freshness. 冰立方禮合包裹, 包括 30 克裝瑞士魚子醬,確保魚子醬新鮮送遞。

Swiss Caviar | 瑞士魚子醬

Swiss Caviar | 瑞士魚子醬

Swiss Caviar packed in 30g, 50g, 125g, 250g, 500g and 1kg packing box 瑞士魚子醬包裝重量分別為: 30 克, 50克, 125克, 250克, 500克及1000克

Swiss White Trüffles | 瑞��士白松露

Swiss White Trüffles | 瑞士白松露

Naturally grown in the boundary of Italy and Swiss forests, our white trüffle are then sun dried and sealed for freshness. 我們的白松露生長在瑞士與恴大利山區森林,採摘後會自然風乾,再將其密封,使白松露保持新鮮。

Swiss Dark Trüffles | 瑞士黑松露

Swiss Dark Trüffles | 瑞士黑松露

Naturally grown in Swiss forests, our dark trüffle are then sun dried and sealed for freshness. 我們的黑松露生長在瑞士森林,採摘後會自然風乾,再將其密封,使黑松露保持新鮮。

Zens Nose Clip - 神吸 鼻翼

Zens Nose Clip - 神吸 鼻翼

芳香療法 Aromatherapy 芳香療法就是利用純天然植物精油的芳香氣味和植物本身的具有治癒能力,通過香薰、沐浴、按摩等方法經由嗅覺器官和皮膚吸收,促進神經系統和血液迴圈,從而起到保健養生、美容美體、調和情緒和改善身體健康之功效,使人的身體、心靈達到和諧統一。 Aromatherapy is a traditional medical therapy utilizing the botanic volatile oil (essential oil) to fume, massage and bathe human bodies, which is very helpful for health care, face and body beauty maintain and spirit nurture.

CAN - Push-Fit Pipe Connector

CAN - Push-Fit Pipe Connector

Product range included: Stainless steel push-fit fittings, Brass push-fit fittings. Associated pipe works, valves & accessories. Application: Hot & Cold water system, Solar system, Steam & Gas system, Air-Conditioning system.

bb Klostermann

bb Klostermann

Kids Sunglasses 100% UV400 Protection

SMARTY logo Neg.png

SMARTY logo Neg.png

1960年,瑞士商人 - 維爾納Daetwyler推出高品質的太陽眼鏡來保護眼睛- 建立了銳 仕成為時尚耐用的太陽鏡瑞士品牌。他知道大家渴望有一副能耐用同時能保護眼睛的高品質鏡片的太陽眼鏡。   他創立此品牌成為"聰明,墨鏡神駒" , 提供消費者一副耐用,款式新穎,價格合理的太陽眼鏡。

Medical Device Suppies


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